Succession Planning: fueling a sustainable organization through strategic talent (staff and volunteer) development and growth

Step 2: Develop Thorough & Empowering Avenues of Communication

Step 2: Develop Thorough & Empowering Avenues of Communication

How do you start the leadership development conversation? Empower staff and volunteers to participate and step back to make space for honest empowering dialogue.

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Step 3: Creating Volunteer Job Descriptions

Step 3: Creating Volunteer Job Descriptions

Nonprofits depend on people to achieve their missions. Yet often volunteers are treated differently than paid staff. How can nonprofits eliminate disappointment, inefficiency, and miscommunication while encouraging strategic leadership?

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What Does a Good Board Job Description Look Like Anyway?

What Does a Good Board Job Description Look Like Anyway?

Job descriptions are not a new tool. What makes a board job description different? How does a job description empower board members to take ownership of their role?

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